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The Appeal of UK Core Long-Income Commercial Real Estate Investing: An Attractive Alternative to Traditional Liability Matching

Private Markets
July 13, 2021

The UK investor has few choices to deliver income that can meet their long-term needs. Despite having less liquidity, private markets, and more specifically real estate, might be the best answer.

Learn more The Appeal of UK Core Long-Income Commercial Real Estate Investing: An Attractive Alternative to Traditional Liability Matching

Core Commercial Real Estate Investing: Flattening the Depreciation Curve Insight image

Core Commercial Real Estate Investing: Flattening the Depreciation Curve

Private Markets
July 6, 2021

The principles of core real estate investing are simple: lease your property, collect your rents, watch the rent grow over time and enjoy capital appreciation where market conditions permit. At the end of the lease term, be ready to refurbish the property and lease it up again.

Learn more Core Commercial Real Estate Investing: Flattening the Depreciation Curve

Agriculture’s resilient 2020 paves way for solid 2021

Private Markets
April 21, 2021

The investment thesis for agriculture was put to the test in 2020 as the COVID-19 crisis unfolded. There were both positive and negative economic factors arising from the pandemic and its impact on the economy, however, on balance, the agricultural markets and economies emerged relatively unscathed.

Learn more Agriculture’s resilient 2020 paves way for solid 2021

Matthew Corbett
Partner, Agriculture
Fiera Real Estate Rupert Sheldon

UK Commercial Real Estate: High Yield Needn’t Mean High Risk

Private Markets
March 31, 2021

With 10-year UK Government bonds (“Gilts”) and US Treasury Bonds offering 0.8% and 1.6% respectively at the time of writing and the FTSE 100 Index offering an aggregated dividend yield of 3.8% as at 31st December 2020, what is a fair yield for core UK real estate?

Learn more UK Commercial Real Estate: High Yield Needn’t Mean High Risk

Life vs Livelihood: Hobson’s Choice for Emerging Markets

April 30, 2020

In the wake of COVID-19, which of the worlds’s economies will be first to return to normalcy? Anindya Chatterjee, Senior Vice President and Lead Portfolio Manager, provides a perspective.

Learn more Life vs Livelihood: Hobson’s Choice for Emerging Markets

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