Eastern European Equities: Close to a Re-Risking Catalyst
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Asia Deserves Some Credit
When considering investment in Asia, the first thought is often towards equities, which isn’t surprising, given the growth of equity markets in the region. However, there also exists a lesser known, yet massive, Asian corporate credit market.
2019 Asia Market Outlook
At the start of 2018, emerging markets had only priced two rate hikes into the market for the year.
US-China Trade War Insights from Anindya Chatterjee
In the midst of the rapidly developing news on the tariff war, portfolio manager Anindya Chatterjee sat down late last week to discuss the outlook for emerging markets and the ramifications of recent volatility for investors. Yesterday’s tweet by Trump that he and Xi would meet at the G-20 Summit next week highlights the continually […]
Learn more US-China Trade War Insights from Anindya Chatterjee
Life vs Livelihood: Hobson’s Choice for Emerging Markets
In the wake of COVID-19, which of the worlds’s economies will be first to return to normalcy? Anindya Chatterjee, Senior Vice President and Lead Portfolio Manager, provides a perspective.
Learn more Life vs Livelihood: Hobson’s Choice for Emerging Markets