Fiera Comox Private Equity

Investment approach

Fiera Comox Private Equity is building a diversified global portfolio of corporate private equity investments, generating attractive absolute returns over the long-term. Our senior team has managed two of the world’s leading institutional PE portfolios, having invested over $7.4 billion and achieving our target returns. The team is now applying the same proven strategy in an investment vehicle tailored to high net worth and institutional clients. The vehicle offers better opportunity for liquidity and less blind pool risk than traditional PE funds.
Our team has complementary experience across the full spectrum of private equity investing. We use this experience to select the most attractive investment opportunities from our channels and partners and dynamically adjust the exposure to the most attractive sectors and geographies at any given time.

Key Characteristics

  • Historical outperformance vs. public equity markets
  • Attractive risk-adjusted absolute returns
  • Portfolio diversification
  • Broad investment universe, traditionally accessed by large institutions
  • Multiple avenues for value creation